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Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Be Wary of Your Medication’s Possible Side Effects

Medications are some of the most powerful factors that contribute to our overall healing. These medications are almost always part of every recovery plan and can lead to stronger health with the guidance and expertise of patient care coordinators. As...

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When Do Medications Become Dangerous?

Medications will always be part of every recovery treatment. With their power, together with the expertise of patient care coordinators, we can all regain strong health. However, as we provide pharmaceutical services in New Jersey, we fully know that...

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How Medication Counseling Services Help You

Counseling patients has always been crucial, but in the present day, it is more so than ever. Pharmacists provide more than just medication; they also educate and counsel patients on proper use. Counseling can alleviate stress and worry about medicat...

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Protecting Yourself from Seasonal Fall Illnesses

Many people look forward to the arrival of the fall season due to the cooler weather in this season. However, as the cool climate sets in at the start of fall, so does an increase in the prevalence of fall illnesses, like the common cold and influenz...

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The Dangers of Self-Medication

We all face the risk of experiencing health conditions. Many illnesses can be addressed by medications, and minor conditions often go away with OTC drugs alone. Of course, these drugs can be accessed by anyone and can be used by those who self-medica...

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Misusing Antibiotics Should Never Be Done

The discovery of antibiotics essentially changed the world of healthcare. With these drugs, bacterial infections were addressed, relieving us of the suffering that would otherwise happen if not for antibiotics. However, as a provider of pharmaceutica...

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